Getting Certified

Getting certified is part of the game. I just got my EPA Lead Certification so I can test for lead on older homes prior to starting demo. Was it the most fun I’ve ever had? No. Am I glad I did it? Yes! I never turn down the opportunity to learn something new. The more I invest in myself and my business the more valuable I make myself and my business.

There’s a saying that says, ”Make yourself so valuable they can’t do without you!” Don’t ask me who said it, because I can’t remember.

But it’s still a great piece of advice.

It also happens to fulfill 8 hours towards my Continuing Education Credits which are needed in order to maintain my Builder’s License.

The point I’m also making is that Minnesota does a good job making sure that not only are our licenses up to date but that we are making sure to stay educated to new codes and other updates within the build industry.

We also pay into a slush fund that protects consumers from unsavory business people.

I know there are a lot of hoops we as builders have to jump through, but I don’t know mind. It makes me sleep easier knowing that my clients also get to sleep easier too.



Time to get to work…


Yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks!