Time to get to work…

I’ve spent most of my adult life trying to get to this point.  Owning my own business.  That has taken on many faces over the years.  I’ve been self employed often.  Worked for others occasionally.  Been a perpetual student along the way.  When I was younger I thought, “When I’ve learned everything I need to know, THEN I will start my own business.”

Most of you are already starting to laugh at that thought.  To be honest, that thought occurred to me before there was an internet.  I was young.  Surely at some point I would know almost everything there is to know about construction and THEN I would start my own business.  Now I’m laughing as well.

Oh, to be that young and optimistic again!  I’ve since come to learn, it’s when you realize how much you don’t know, THAT’S the time you want to be in business for yourself. While you’re still hungry. Still eager to learn.

And the main thing I have learned over the years is that you need to surround yourself with as many great people as possible.  That the key to being a successful business isn’t in how much do I know, but rather how many smart people do I know that can help me. 

So, now I’ve spent months behind the scenes, building the foundation so to speak, of what I know will be a strong & healthy business.  I have an amazing team and network of Trade Professionals that always deliver amazing work at the end of the day, and I can’t wait to watch it grow into something special.

With all of that being said there’s not much left to say other than it’s time to get to work.

If you would like to be a part of this journey we would love to have you. Let us know if we can help you out in any way and set up your free consult today!



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